Our big deal has always been custom. Since 2013 we’ve shunned fixed specifications on bikes, and ploughed our own furrow, offering OE prices on custom builds. Other brands dabble with it, but only Bird offers such a comprehensive range of options, right down to component level colour choices.
For 2025 we’ve teamed up with East Coast Airbrush to offer you the chance to get your own fully custom painted Aeris AM, Forge or Aerelon.
How Does It Work?
Custom paint is a variable thing. It’s hard to pin down a price as we don’t know how long it will take until we know. Expect to pay a minimum of £700 for a custom paint including wrap kit.
To start the process get in touch with us at info@bird.bike or call us on 0333 444 0629. We’ll put you in touch with Kev at ECA and you can have a chat on what you’d like. Once we have a rough plan, we can generate you a cost.
You order the bike you want from us, and you’ll agree a price with Kev which we’ll add to the bill. We then supply a paintable frame in your chosen model and size to ECA for around 3-4 weeks, after which its returned to us. Kev will keep you in the loop on progress, as well as send you shots of the bike as it happens in order you can make adjustments if needed.
When its done we’ll QC the paint for you, and subject to it being all good, we’ll build the bike (or pre the frame) and ship it onto you.
The cost of the paintwork will include a factory fitted RideWrap kit to keep your fresh new paintjob looking its best for a long time to come.